Thursday, December 3, 2009


POCKETS OF PEACE, Words of Encouragement in Challenging Times for our Servicemen and Women is a book being sent at no cost to our deployed and deploying troops. So many are leaving before the holidays and need to know we support them and have not forgotten the extraordinary sacrifices they make daily that we may enjoy the warmth of the holiday season with those we love the most.
If you would like to provide a book or books to our servicemen and women please visit:
Books will be personally autographed by yours truly! And sent off to chaplains in the most remote areas of Afghanistan to be given to those that need them the most. Give several in honor of those on your list. Let them know that your gift to them was to honor those men and women protecting our freedom. I can't think of a nicer gift ~ or a more needed one!
"They are enriched. They are grown. They are experienced. They have given. They have fought for a cause far beyond themselves."
Charlotte Weiss, LTC

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