Tuesday, March 15, 2011


A season of rebirth, of beginnings, of happy endings, of new life, of fresh starts. Closets are cleaned and deep breaths are taken. Flowers are beginning to peak up out of the ground. Trees are coming to life with breathtaking blossoms of white and peach, and yellow and vibrant cherry red. It is my time of year.  Things just seem brighter now and more clear.  Days are longer and the birds and small critters are busy building nests and homes and lives.  Soon the Tree Ducks will come to the tree next door to begin feathering their nest, and before you know it, all will be right with the world when their babies waddle down the alleyway with a police escort.

Part of the brightness in my spirit today is due to a warrior named Sam.  Sam has endured hell, unspeakable things, and faces PTSD daily.  And he has survived.  It is with great pride that I tell you that our Desert Storm veteran with his new TADSAW SERVICE DOG LUTHER, has been appointed by Penny's From Heaven Foundation, as our Project Advocate Liaison (P.A.L.) and now holds a seat on our Advisory Board.

Sam, is most anxious to promote what amazing abilities a service dog has to change the quality of the life of a warrior struggling with PTSD.  Sam knows.  He understands,  He challenges others to visit TADSAW, fill out an application and potentially find their own 'lifesaver with four paws.'

San is dedicated, responsible, capable, and committed.  He has worked diligently.  He is indefatigable in his pursuit of making the most of what has been offered him. He has done things and gone places he never in his wildest dreams would have imagined he was capable of doing.  He has accomplished this with Luther by his side.

Sam could not have achieved what he has without the guiding light found in his and Luther's trainer, LaDonna.  LaDonna is a lifesaver in her own right.  She quite frankly - gets it!  She understands.  She cares.  She is passionate.  Her talent, her faith, her commitment and hope for a better life for Sam shines in everything she does and in every step she takes.  Her life to some degree has been neglected while working with Sam and Luther.  Every waking moment has been spent with this warrior and his dog.  Mission accomplished! 

Sometimes you have to step outside the box. Make a choice.  Stand your ground.  Sometimes you just know that you have been put on this earth to do the right thing.  Such is the case with LaDonna.  How many of us can say that?  How many of us have the ability in our hands and hearts to help turn a life around. How many of us can look at a total stranger and a dog rescued from near death and say to both, "I believe in you?" LaDonna has the vision and this allows her to stand up with courage and take that step.   LaDonna cherishes Sam's hopes and dreams.  She has inspired Sam by having faith in him.  To inspire him she thinks and believes the best.  

This is my springtime success story.  My springtime gift to you all.  I hope you learn from it.  Take it to that place deep inside your heart.  Plant the seeds for someone else who is struggling to find his or her way through the darkness.  Just hold out your hand, take a step with courage and help them find their way.  Isn't that what Luther is doing for Sam?  Isn't that what LaDonna has done for both of them?  

I invite you to go out and help someone else believe in their dreams. People are successful because someone believed in them.  Give someone the faith that they can make it.  Spring is here.  All things are possible.               

"It someone listens, or stretches out a hand, or whispers a kind word of encouragement, or attempts to understand, extraordinary things begin to happen."
~Loretta Girzartis

"If you're scared, just holler and you'll find it ain't so lonesome out there."
~Joe Sugdenpage


To Support a Wounded Warrior with PTSD just like Sam please visit:
We can help so many more warriors, but only with your help.

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