Thursday, June 3, 2010


Cries of the heart every once in a while are answered. And often times when you least expect it. Walls can be broken down and with that swift movement lives can begin again.  And suddenly you become acutely aware that life is about the WOW! 

If you don't get the "wow" out of life, then why did you do it?  If you can make one person smile a day, you've improved two people's lives.  If we simply accept the mundane and ordinary, we get nothing back but that.  If we accept the fact that life is boring, stagnant and insignificant and about all the wrong things, then that is what it will be.  Our authenticity has everything to do with our actions and choices and less to do with our thoughts. 

It is in the realization that we have to wake up, each in our own unique ways, to the 'wow.'  Many of us have lived or live in places where we feel excluded.  Excluded from our lives, our marriages, our relationships and yes even from ourselves.  Our hearts are breaking for acceptance and love. We are searching to find our way home again. 

In your life when you've needed to be carried, when you just couldn't do it anymore, who was there for you?  In whose presence do you feel safe and cherished and comfortable?  Who in your life provides the 'wow?"  May Sarton said, "A house that does not have one warm, comfy chair in it is soul less." Perhaps that is what some of us are missing, that one comfy chair or person where we belong.  That one person who is willing to go looking for us when we're lost. 

"Every circumstance and situation gives you the opportunity to choose this path, to allow your soul to shine through you, to bring into the physical world through you its unending and unfathomable reverence for and love of life." 
~Gary Suka

"Love is a wondrous miracle.  It has power to heal.  Love can overcome pain.  Love can transform our struggles into opportunities for joy and a deeper appreciation for life."
~Alexandra Stoddard

Nourishment of our souls magnifies our joy.  And by cultivating more joy by arranging your life to do so, more joy will be likely.  And then what happens?  We become vessels of love - love of our friends, our spouse, our country and in my case 'my' soldiers. 

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