Friday, May 28, 2010


A friend told me this morning that today is the first day of the rest of our lives.  This lead me to wonder what do you do when all your dreams come true.  Do you stop breathing?  Do you find that catch in your heart? Do you honor the universe with a prayer of thanksgiving?  Do you remember to take another breath?  Where do you go from here? Do you make breakfast and turn on the washing machine and take out the trash?  Or do you crumble to your knees and rehearse for the first day of the rest of your life?

Whispers at dawn can obliterate wandering in the wilderness.  Moments of recognition open doors and silence legacies of the past.  The full moon temporarily says goodbye, as it welcomes the sun.  Openings occur.  Openings to a future full of promise and the exquisite nectar of everyday living, and an opening to compassion from which all else comes.

Compassion, like love, starts at home.  Many of us are kind, forgiving, and eager to help and please outside of the home. Others must ask themselves if they are simply trying to portray compassion to feather their own emotional and financial nests?  

Sometimes we exhibit compassion less quickly  inside the home where we are needed the most.  There are times when we all need someone to listen, someone to hear, someone to share, and someone to forgive and someone to go looking for us when we are lost. For in those moments love is born, shelter is given, and compassion for another soul on this earth becomes more important than just about anything.  For each day is not a new beginning, if we don't love, if we don't learn from watching others, if we don't provide a pleasant, nurturing, and peaceful home, we are not honoring that which has been put inside of us. 

As Nadia Boulanger said, "The essential conditions of everything you do must be choice, love, and passion."  Untying the knots in our minds, hearts, and lives guides us to a place where we find love that is embracing, sharing, and a celebration. And it is respect, honor and trust. 

Odd how our culture, sadly, equates desire with having.  Having stuff, having more, having better, having garages full of stuff we eventually sell to someone who puts it in their garage of stuff.  But what do we put into our hearts and souls and spirit?  What do we treasure and nourish and nurture?  Perhaps, just perhaps, it is in the desire to find pleasure in the moment, or in nothing at all specific, that we find we arrive at being everything.  Perhaps this lets us, in the silence, hear the whispers, hear the story, and find out who we are. This is where we find the courage and the wisdom and the understanding to act on a whisper.


"It is not time or opportunity that is to determine intimacy - it is disposition alone.  Seven years would be insufficient to make some people acquainted with each other, and seven days are more than enough for others."
Sense and Sensibility ~Jane Austen

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